Your segregated fees due date is changing, and we are fighting it!

Your segregated fees due date is changing, and we are fighting it!

Your segregated fees due date is changing, and we are fighting it!

Last summer the UW-Madison Bursar’s Office unilaterally decided to revise its current practice of allowing graduate workers to pay mandatory fees until after receipt of their third paycheck each semester. The revised policy will require graduate workers to pay all segregated fees each semester before receiving their first paycheck. This policy change places an undue economic burden on graduate workers, considering these fees amount to roughly 10.4% of most workers’ annual income, many of whom are unemployed over the summer months. The Teaching Assistants’ Association graduate labor union opposes any change to our current fee payment policy that increases the economic burden of graduate workers. To that end, we are asking graduate workers and allies to sign a petition and attend a demonstration supporting our opposition to the Bursar’s proposed policy changes.

Read more details here.