[UNION WIN!] Paid Leave Campaign


For the last academic year, our union has been fighting to win paid leave.

We have petitioned, protested, and joined forces with other campus unions to demand 12 weeks of paid family & medical leave for all UW-Madison employees.

Today, we are proud to announce that the University has made a significant concession: Faculty, university staff, and graduate assistants will now receive six weeks of paid parental leave.

Our organizing made this change happen! We are confident that our paid leave petition, which has garnered over 700 signatures, and our 2024 Valentine’s day paid leave rally helped amplify this issue. University administration has been talking about providing paid family leave for over a decade. The TAA voted to make it a priority for this year, and in less than a year, we have won an important step toward the comprehensive plan we need. We will continue to fight for a comprehensive, 12 week paid family & medical leave for all graduate students.

We are proud to say our voices were heard. Our power is undeniable when we work together.

Featured press:


Daily Cardinal


We are still circulating our petition to demand a full 12 weeks of paid family as well as medical leave for graduate students.

Read the letter

Sign the letter

This effort has been featured in the Wisconsin State Journal, the Capital Times, Tone Madison, and WKOW.

Total signatures as of 03/14/24: 721

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