Resources for Parents
Graduate employees with children face special challenges in their roles as students and employees of UW. Since its founding in 1969, the Teaching Assistants’ Association has worked to make the UW a diverse academic community, and advocating for the needs of student and grad employee parents has been an important part of the union’s efforts. Within the union, parent members have been a consistent voice for affordable health insurance, family medical leave, and maternity/paternity leave, to name just a few issues.
Through an informed and active membership, and through the union’s former contract, the TAA helps make UW-Madison a more family-friendly and inclusive campus. In contract negotiations, the union has won additional funding for members’ child care needs, health insurance for families, family leave, and other protections that help grad employees with children (see below for more information on family-related contact provisions). Active and organized union members have consistently challenged UW administration to live up to their promises and to expand support for families on campus.
Childcare during TAA meetings
If you would like to attend general membership meetings and need to arrange child care to do so, the TAA offers child care through a partnership with the UW-Madison Campus Women’s Center. Please contact the TAA office at least a week in advance of any general membership meeting to arrange for child care.
Child care may be available for regular TAA committee and caucus meetings on an as-requested basis. Contact the TAA office for specifics.
TAA Diaper Program
The TAA’s Mutual Aid Committee distributes diapers for between 50-70 graduate worker families each month. Learn more about the program and request diapers on the Diaper Distribution Program page.
Get Involved
Serve as a TAA representative on the UW’s Campus Child Care Committee
The TAA has the right to appoint union members to represent the union on the University Child Care Committee. This group, made up of UW administrators, faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, and others, makes policy recommendations on the future of child care options for the entire UW community. Contact the TAA office if you’d like more information about representing your fellow union members with children on this important committee.