TAA August–September Events
We have a lot going on as the new semester starts up. Be sure to check our Facebook page for upcoming events and updates, but in the meantime, keep these events in mind.
We have a lot going on as the new semester starts up. Be sure to check our Facebook page for upcoming events and updates, but in the meantime, keep these events in mind.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE UW-Madison Union of Graduate Student Workers (TAA) Endorses BDS Movement Madison, WI (May 19, 2016): Members of the Teaching Assistants’ Association at the University of Wisconsin-Madison vote overwhelmingly in favor of a resolution to divest from the State …
UNINTIMIDATED: Wisconsin Musicians Against Scott Walker is a CD and DVD project featuring 16 bands and their anti-Scott Walker protest songs. In August of 2015, 13 of these bands each had two hours to bang out a song at Howl …
Unintimidated: WI Musicians Against Scott Walker (April 8) READ MORE >>
Please join us for the TAA Play Day, a chance for grad student parents (or parents-to-be) and their kids to get together! Coffee, bagels, kid-friendly snacks, and toys will be provided. TAA Play Day Sunday, March 6th 9:30-11:30AM Wilmar Center, …
The Badger Herald reported on the Graduate School’s proposed new pay structure for graduate assistants: “We are very committed to paying competitive wages for graduate students, even in difficult budget times,” Blank said. “We know we are underpaying our graduate …
Faculty Senate Approves Tenure Policy, Concerned by Grad Pay Restructuring READ MORE >>
The Chronicle of Higher Education reported on the Graduate School’s proposed new pay structure for graduate assistants: When one of America’s first graduate-student unions was recognized at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, in 1969, organizers embraced a key principle: …
Wisconsin Grad Workers Want Pay Parity Across Disciplines READ MORE >>
The TAA International Student Caucus has been hard at work in pushing back against administration’s arbitrary international student fee, introduced just this summer. They’ve created a petition calling on UW-Madison administrators to rescind this fee and respect the important contributions …
Sign the petition to rescind new International Student Fees! READ MORE >>
The Wisconsin Gazette reported on the Rally for Fair Graduate Student Pay: Concerned about the effect the new proposal will have on departments across campus, Brooks said, “When the administration pushes through policy changes like this, without graduate student input, …
UW-Madison delays changes to teaching pay for grad students READ MORE >>
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE UW-Madison Teaching Assistants’ Association Forces Delay of Radical Restructuring of Graduate Student Pay Madison, WI (November 24, 2015): After several weeks of advocacy work by the University of Wisconsin–Madison Teaching Assistants’ Association (TAA), university administration has agreed …
TAA Wins Delay of Radical Restructuring of Graduate Worker Pay READ MORE >>
The Journal Sentinel reported on the Rally for Fair Graduate Student Pay: But a plan for how to make the University of Wisconsin-Madison more competitive is highly controversial and has been delayed until May 2017 because confusion was interfering with …
UW, UWM ramp up efforts to attract grad student assistants READ MORE >>