Fall General Membership Meetings
The fall semester’s TAA General Membership Meetings have been scheduled. They will take place on:
October 21st – 5:30 PM – Memorial Union (TITU)
December 1st – 5:30 PM – Memorial Union (TITU)
Our General Membership Meetings, or “GMMs,” are where the membership of our union hears updates on union business and makes decisions on key items of union business. Often these topics include matters like contract negotiations, resolutions of the union, elections of particular union roles, and committee work. In addition to being forums for democratic participation in the union, GMMs are also a great place to meet fellow grads from across the campus who are part of our union.
We definitely encourage all members to attend the GMMs.
As we get closer to each GMM, we will have an announcement on agendas for the meetings. In the meantime, if you have questions, please feel free to contact our Co-Presidents, Peter Rickman and Katie Lindstrom.
Note: GMMs are run by Robert’s Rules of Order. Trust us, it’s not a scary thing and learning parliamentary procedure to a level needed to participate meaningfully is easy – and we’re not really sticklers, especially with new folks. You can check out a quick “simplified guide to Robert’s Rules here to use as a cribsheet. But really, the best way to learn is to just come to a meeting, ape what others are doing, and jump right in.