Get Involved in Your Union: Join the Orientation Organizing Campaign
Our union is built upon rank-and-file members organizing among ourselves, the union being our vehicle for collective action. One of our best opportunities to engage new graduate assistants to get involved in our union, from becoming members to becoming activists, is through each fall’s Orientation. With hundreds, even thousands of new graduate assistants coming to campus for the first time, we need to connect with them all to bring them into our union right away.
This summer and into fall, we are running a big, important Orientation Organizing Campaign. For us to run a successful campaign, we need all members of our union to be active in the campaign. Our Orientation Committee has put together a dynamic campaign plan that you can plug into easily to have a big impact. But we need you to get involved. Take a moment and complete this quick online form to get involved – then, a fellow grad worker activist from the Orientation Committee will be in touch with you. If you have any questions on the campaign, feel free to just contact our Orientation Committee co-chairs, Peter Rickman and Tim Frandy.
Being involved is easy, and it’s really important. This campaign will not only set the tone for how we run a dynamic, strong organizing union, but also build the cadre of member-activists that make our union work. Can you take a moment to sign up to be involved on our Orientation Organizing Campaign?
We have ambitious goals as a union for this year, for the future, and for this campaign. But for our union to really work for us as graduate assistants, we need to be involved. This campaign is how we will build that among new graduate assistants as well as ourselves as current union members. Get involved now to build a strong, successful union.
Let’s go out and build the best campaign to build the best union possible for ourselves.