LaborFest 2009
Every September, the local labor movement celebrates the holiday for working people, Labor Day, with a big party. Consider yourselves invited to attend as working people and members of the baddest graduate employee union in all the land.
The South Central Federation of Labor (SCFL, or “scuffle”), the local labor council for unions in this part of the state, is putting on LaborFest ’09 on Labor Day, September 7th, from noon to 5:30 PM. It will be at the Labor Temple grounds, 1602 Park Street.
In addition to some delicious food and beverage, LaborFest ’09 will have music from Paul Cebar & the Milwaukeeans and the The Westside Andy/Mel Ford Band. The bands come highly recommended. There will also be, among other things, a clown (not of the scary variety), activities for kids, and a host of tables from cool labor- and progressive-oriented community organizations. A few thousand local union members and working people usually attend throughout the day – and you might catch a glimpse of some local politicians of note.
Part of having a real labor movement is about building community among workers and union members. So while LaborFest is a great party, it’s also a community-building event where you can taste the solidarity in the air – and on the delicious food made by union activists.
Any questions, contact TAA Co-President and SCFL delegate Peter Rickman.