Orientation Organizing Campaign Kickoff Events!
Our summer and fall Orientation Organizing Campaign is getting ready to kick off. This campaign is going to be really important to build our union to be strong and successful. Our union should be of, by, and for rank-and-file members, and this campaign is going to have a big impact on building that kind of union.
Orientation is when we engage with hundreds to thousands of new graduate assistants. When they arrive on campus, we need to engage with each and everyone one of them through the Orientation process to sign them up as members, educate them about our union, and involve them in participation in our union’s work.
This campaign will start in August and run through the first few weeks of school. Our Orientation Committee has put together a great campaign plan – and we need you to be a part of it. You can sign up now to get involved in the ways that work for you now.
To kick off our campaign, we are going to hold four Orientation Organizing Campaign kickoff events. The kickoffs will have free food and beverage for all members – and most importantly, we’ll run through the campaign plan and strategy, help people plug into the campaign as activists, and build the excitement, energy and momentum we need to run a great campaign.
The four dates for the Orientation Organizing Campaign Kickoff events will be August 5th, August 11th, August 16th, and August 20th. They’ll start at 6 PM, and we’re holding them at the TAA office. Sign up now to attend one (or more) of the campaign kickoffs here. We want to plan well for each kickoff, so definitely take a minute to let us know which one you can attend.
And make sure to sign up now for how you can be involved in our Orientation Organizing Campaign. There are lots of ways to be involved, making it easy for brand-new activists and hardcore unionists alike to make a big impact on this important campaign. So sign up to be involved and let us know which of the campaign kickoff events you can attend. If you have any questions about the campaign or our kickoff events, be in touch with our Orientation Committee co-chairs Peter Rickman and Tim Frandy.