Pay Us Back!

Send an email to Vice Chancellor Darrell Bazzell  demanding a raise for graduate employees

It’s not just you. Grad employee earnings are getting tougher and tougher to survive on. Between the ever-climbing seg fees, our growing health care contributions, and our stagnant wages, grad students at UW Madison have LOST money — to the tune of $1600 (inflation adjusted) for the average TA — over the past decade. So begins the TAA’s “Pay Us Back” Campaign aimed to increase the amount of take-home pay of graduate students. The campaign’s goals are two-pronged: remit those seg fees and get a meaningful raise (our first in years)!

But our paychecks aren’t going to raise themselves. We need your help telling the Administration we can’t afford our falling take-home pay.

Send an email to Darrell Bazzell, Vice Chancellor of Administration, to let him know that grad employees can’t take these low wages and high fees any more.  Here’s the deal:

  • Click this  link to send a form letter to Bazzell.  Fill out your name, add any remarks you want to make, and hit “Send ”–  your letter will be sent right to Bazzell.
  • That’s pretty much it.
  • But, you should still pass the link on to your office mates, classmates, and friends – we’re going for a Darrell Deluge, and the more emails in his box, the better.
  • And in the meantime, join the facebook event.

We know public higher education is under attack in this state. But even more so, we know our survival depends on our willingness to stand stronger together and build from the bottom-up by investing in the people that make the university run: students, faculty, and staff. Grads are prepared to fight alongside the administration in the defense of public higher education, provided the administration is prepared to fight alongside us.

[photo courtesy Surat Lozowick cc by-nc-sa]