Swarm and Nest: Van Vleck
Last Wednesday (4/15) we brought a small crew to Van Vleck for organizing. Yet again, we (myself included) were held back by colds and flus. 3 organizers put in 9 hours of organizing time, speaking to 19 members, and signing up 2 new members.
For the semester, then, we have 36 different organizers, 170 organizing hours, 176 member contacts, 23 new members, 38 new organizers, and 55 future activists.
Swarm and Nest this week is canceled. Instead, we are organizing next Monday AND Tuesday (4/27, 4/28), in preparation of the semester’s most important General Membership Meeting. We’re still ironing out the details of where we’ll set up shop, but we’ll keep you posted.
Please consider taking an hour or two and helping us promote the General Membership Meeting. It’ll be faster conversations, and a big presence of organizers will help ensure that this will be the most important and well attended GMM in recent memory!