Union Activism Through the TAA Spring Organizing Campaign
We have kicked off our spring organizing campaign, and we need you to get involved!
Our spring organizing is focused upon three main themes: bargaining our new contract, addressing Segregated Fees for all grads, and building a larger, stronger union.
One thing around which we are organizing right now too is to recruit grads to attend our February 23rd General Membership Meeting. At this meeting, we will be making big decisions on the collective bargaining and Seg Fees topics around which our main thrust of organizing is centered.
To get involved with our spring organizing campaign, take a moment to fill out this quick online form.
A fellow TAA activist will follow up with you to get you plugged in with the campaign.
On the campaign, we are getting out organize in departments and buildings all across campus. This means that we are having individual face-to-face conversations with as many grad student workers as possible about the priorities of our union and how we as grad student workers are working through the TAA. Having these kinds of conversations is the most effective – and fun – way to communicate between the TAA and the grad student workers who make up our union. We are building our campaign and our union, as legendary organizer Cesar Chavez would say, one conversation with one person at a time.
Broadly speaking, we can think of organizing as changing of structural power dynamics by connecting and activating networks of people, resources, and ideas. By having these conversations with grad student workers on our organizing campaign, we are connecting all of us with one another around our priorities to activate all of us through the TAA as our union.
To run a successful campaign, we need you to be involved — So sign up to join the campaign today!
With any questions, please be in touch with our Co-Presidents, Peter Rickman and Katie Lindstrom.