Welcome Back
Welcome back grad student workers! Another semester of classes, teaching, and research is just around the corner. We here at the TAA have been busy all summer preparing a lot of great campaigns for the upcoming year. We’re in the middle of bargaining a new contract with the State of Wisconsin and UW administration, members of the Political Education Committee have been in the office every night working to support pro-education and pro-union candidates in the fall election, and we’ve schemed up new ways to fight our old nemesis — seg fees.
In keeping with our traditions, the TAA is hosting a Welcome Back Happy Hour on Friday, September 3rd. All members should come and have fun. This would also be a great opportunity to talk with our activists involved in the ongoing campaigns. We have opportunities for all levels of commitments. Come and find a place to volunteer to make our union stronger!
Welcome Back Happy Hour Facebook Event
Do you have other ideas about what the union should be working on? We would love to hear from any and all of our members! It’s easy: write some comments right here, send us an email (taa@taa-madison.org), or come to one of our many events (see the calendar).