Paid Leave Updates – March 6 2024

Paid Leave Updates – March 6 2024

On February 14th, TAA, UFAS, and AFSCME members delivered the paid leave petition with over 700 signatures to the Chancellor’s office. Amazing turnout, cute valentines, powerful speeches, and the HUGE petition with all of our names together.


press:  Daily Cardinal  |  Capital Times |  WKOW 

Earlier in the day, TAA co-president Nina Denne met with state legislators and spoke at State Rep. Francesca Hong’s press conference to introduce paid leave legislation. 

TAA co-president Maddie Topf met with Governor Evers to discuss paid leave as a union priority. 

However, the chancellor has refused to meet with  our union, and we have not heard a response from her regarding the petition.

Our sister union, United Faculty & Academic Staff, is adding pressure by recruiting Department Chairs to sign on in support of paid leave. Graduate student workers are coming together to insist on regular meetings with the Chancellor in order to negotiate over workplace issues like paid leave. The Chancellor has claimed in the past to support paid leave. Now, we need her to meet with our union and set a timeline. 


what should you do next?

1.  Tell Chancellor Mnookin to meet regularly with your union by signing a virtual card  here

She has time to eat brats; she has time to meet with workers on campus.

2. We support student parents by hosting a monthly diaper drive. We need volunteers! Get involved here

3. You do not need to be a union member to ask the Chancellor to meet with us, but the TAA needs to keep building active membership to win on paid leave. Our power comes from our numbers, and we need you. Join your union today.