Union Workshops: This Week & Next
Over the course of this coming week and the following week, we will be holding workshops for TAA members to learn more about our union. The content will include things like what unions are and what they do, a bit …
Over the course of this coming week and the following week, we will be holding workshops for TAA members to learn more about our union. The content will include things like what unions are and what they do, a bit …
You probably already know this. You’ve probably had it on your calendar for weeks. You’ve probably told all your friends. But just in case, let us remind you once again: The annual union party, the TAA Welcome Back Happy Hour, …
This isn’t a “your union kicks ass for winning tuition remission as a benefit of the collective bargaining agreement” or a “let’s go win seg fee remission” kind of post. This is a “you might be getting some news that …
At this year’s annual TAA Welcome Back Happy Hour, we will be holding a mini-General Membership Meeting. Within the Welcome Back Happy Hour, we will take a few minutes to handle one piece of union business. As many of you …
Official General Membership Meeting Announcement
Make sure to get it on your calendar and save the date – we have union workshops coming up that you don’t want to miss: Monday, August 31Tuesday, September 1Thursday, September 3Wednesday, September 9Thursday, September 10 All of the union …
This week officially kicks off the year for the TAA. Over the course of this week, we will get out and organize at nearly 60 departmental orientations for new graduate assistants, speaking with nearly 1,000 grad student workers. Orientation week …
Take just a moment to fill out a quick online form to let us know where you are at with getting involved in our union. Click here to complete this easy form about you and getting involved in the union.
The next few weeks are full of tons of hot TAA action and we want you to be a part of it. Here is what’s on tap in the near future – and take a look below the list for …
After a conversation with the Office of State Employment Relations (OSER), we feel like the 2007-2009 contract is progressing along. In this conversation, we heard that OSER is preparing our contract for consideration in the September session of the state …
Health insurance coverage is one of the most important victories that our union has won for us as graduate student workers. But it doesn’t mean a thing to our health insurance coverage if we don’t enroll. To be covered by …