General Membership Meeting February 23rd!
At our upcoming General Membership Meeting (GMM) on February 23rd, the TAA will be making major decisions that impact all grad student workers. We will be taking up for discussion and decision two big issues. One will be our strategy for bargaining our new contract. The other will be our strategy for addressing the impact of Segregated Fees. We will also discuss how we will implement these strategies through the work of our union.
Having a strong turnout at this meeting is crucial for our union and for our priorities of grad student workers. We are a democratic union, so the more people who participate in decisions like these, the better the decisions we make will be and the more those decisions will speak to and speak for all grad student workers. All grads are welcome at this GMM.
The General Membership Meeting will be on Thursday, February 23rd at 5:30 PM at the Pres House.
To RSVP for the GMM on February 23rd, please take a moment to fill out this quick online form.
On the form, you can also indicate that you would be able to help spread the word about the GMM to fellow grads. We want this meeting to have lots of grads there to exercise the union democracy that makes the TAA strong. So if you can do something to help spread the word, you can help build the meeting and our union. So fill out the form to let us know how you can help recruit people!
With any questions, please be in touch with TAA Co-Presidents Peter Rickman and Katie Lindstrom.