General Membership Meeting Next Wednesday
A quick reminder: our next General Membership Meeting will be on Wednesday, October 21st. The meeting will be at 5:30 PM in the Memorial Union (check “Today in the Union” for a room number).
General Membership Meetings, or GMMs, are where we make decisions as a democratic organization on union matters. They’re also venues for updates and information on critical union business, like collective bargaining and our contract.
This upcoming meeting, for which we are finalizing an agenda, will include:
– An update on our 2007-2009 contract ratification and information on our work toward the 2009-2011 contract.
– Updates from our committees on the work they are doing to advance the union and the cause of grad student workers.
– Action on amending our Constitution & Bylaws to update our non-discrimination provisions.
– Action on issues with regard to the AFT-Wisconsin (the state federation of unions to which we belong) convention.
Attending a GMM is a great way to plug in to the union and to exercise your important rights and responsibilities as union members. We’ll have some light food and beverage for folks, in addition to the scintillating union business. With any questions, please feel free to contact our Co-Presidents, Katie Lindstrom and Peter Rickman.