Genetics to raise stipend after majority sign Biosciences letter

The Genetics program is to raise the stipend from $36,000 to $38,000, per email communication. The 5% raise comes after a majority of Genetics PhD students signed on to the Biosciences letter. Inflation for 2023-2024 FY was 2.9%. A raise which exceeds inflation is much-needed in a year when many Biosciences PhD students are struggling under increasing rent costs.
“The stress of working over 40 hours per week but still not making ends meet is a continued struggle for graduate students across departments. Alleviating some of that stress will create a better quality of life for students and lead to higher success in research initiatives.”
– Graduate worker in the Biosciences.
Add your name today in support of $40,000 stipends for all Biosciences graduate workers.