Get Involved with the No New Seg Fees! Campaign
Our No New Seg Fees! campaign is being built from the grassroots. We as students have everything at stake here — and not just a 10% hike in our seg fees that are already over $1000 per year. This campaign is also about protecting access to higher education and combating the idea that market pricing can be applied to the academy. When it comes down to it, we need to stand up as students and as members of the UW community to say, quite simply, “No New Seg Fees!”
That’s why we need you to get involved with our grassroots campaign.
Students from all corners of the University are getting involved. There are grad student workers from social sciences, humanities, natural sciences and engineering all taking roles on the campaign. In addition to grad students, undergrads are joining the campaign and we stand taller in solidarity with them.
All of us have a role to play on the campaign — and there are lots of ways for you to get involved.
Stand up with your fellow students to say “No New Seg Fees!” and join our campaign. Take a moment here to let us know how you can be involved, and a fellow No New Seg Fees! activist will follow up with you.
This is our university, this is our campaign. Let’s stand up and say together, “No New Seg Fees!” by running a winning grassroots campaign.
With any questions, drop us an email.