Meet and confer

The TAA has requested a meet and confer relationship with the Chancellor at UW-Madison to discuss workplace issues! However, the Chancellor has denied our request. We believe we can convince her to meet with us if we show grad students are interested in union representation. She has time to eat brats, she should have time to meet with our union!

Let us know what workplace issues you would like to be addressed in a regular meeting with the Chancellor! Survey here.

Current vote tally (04.19.24): 171 grad workers support regular meetings with the Chancellor.


What is “meet and confer”?
“Meet and confer” is a legal term for regular negotiating meeting between the union and the UW-Madison administration. These meetings are legal under Wisconsin law, and would give the union an opportunity to bring and discuss demands. The TAA previously has had a meet and confer relationship with the administration post-Act 10.

Why do we need Meet and Confer?
The UW system faces a dire fiscal reality. In spite of the state’s record surplus of $4 billion, the system is seeing furloughs, layoffs, and program cuts. Our union needs a voice in how resources are allocated on campus, especially when those decisions impact our working conditions.

What about Shared Governance/ASM?
Shared governance and ASM play an important role in curricular matters, student rights and services, and other academic issues. However, our union is the only organization singularly devoted to advancing the needs of graduate students as workers on campus. If shared governance actually protected grad workers, then we would already have paid family/medical leave, fee remission, and a living wage. But we don’t.

Download and print meet and confer cards for organizing:

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