No New Seg Fees Campaign Update — Spring Break Edition

Even over Spring Break, our No New Seg Fees! campaign continues to work toward Election Days (April 12-14). With just over a week until voting begins after we return from Break, now is the time to get involved on the campaign!

Take a look at our campaign website, at — including more on who is a part of our campaign with both undergraduates and graduate students taking part. You can also find out more on the referendum, read some pieces from the campus press, and read an op-ed from one of our activists that ran in the Badger Herald along with one that should be forthcoming.

While you’re at it, you should become a fan of No New Seg Fees! on Facebook. We are using the fan page to help organize on the campaign. Better yet, while you’re becoming a fan yourself, send an email to all of your UW friends and classmates asking them to become a fan too.

Here’s the most important part: We need you to get involved on the campaign. We will win the referendum vote — and beat the seg fee hike — if our supporters are involved with the grassroots organizing we need to build the campaign. So sign up to get involved with the No New Seg Fees! campaign to help out with postering, fliering, and tabling.

With any questions about the campaign, drop us an email.