PEC Meeting Archive (2017)

October 22, 2017

PEC meeting
Sunday, October 22, 2017, 6:00–7:30 p.m.
Teaching Assistants’ Assocation office
520 University Drive, Suite 220
Madison, WI 53703

  1. Introductions
    1. Present: Michael Bellecourt, Caelyn Randall
  2. Old business
    1. Finances update
    2. PEC social hour: Occupied viewing
    3. Ongoing projects
      1. Health care education & GAPP
      2. UWPD Community Advisory Group
      3. Actions on the UW System Board of Regents and their “free speech” policy.
    4. 2018 Elections
      1. Collaborations with Vote Everywhere Ambassadors
        1. MOTION: MB moves that the TAA Political Education Committee recommends that the TAA general membership endorse the VoteEverywhere Ambassador petition on Wisconsin voter ID.
        2. Quorum absent; vote deferred to electronic communications
    5. On-ice projects
      1. Drafting the TAA political platform
      2. TA training around equity issues
  3.  New business

October 8, 2017

PEC meeting
Sunday, October 8, 2017, 6:00–7:30 p.m.
Teaching Assistants’ Assocation office
520 University Drive, Suite 220
Madison, WI 53703

  1. Introductions
    1. Present: Michael Bellecourt, Erika Carlson, Jess Mullen, Hugh Roland
  2. Old business
    1. Finances update
    2. PEC social hour: documentary viewing
      1. Brothers On the Line
      2. The Fight In the Fields
      3. At the River I Stand
      4. Occupied
      5. Motion moved by M Bellecourt: The documentary Occupation shall be viewed at the PEC social hour of the 2017 fall semester.
        1. Seconded by E Carlson
        2. Passed 4–0
    3. Ongoing projects
      1. Immigration, undocumented students, sanctuary campus, and Campus Climate Initiatives
      2. Health care education
      3. UWPD Community Advisory Group
      4. Lobby Day
      5. Watching the UW System Board of Regents
    4. Labor solidarity
      1. Our Revolution Wisconsin
      2. SCFL delegates
      3. AFT-W COPE
      4. AFT-HEC and the UW Bill of Rights
    5. Spring 2018 elections
      1. Big Ten Voting Challenge w/ Morgridge Center for Public Service
    6. On-ice projects
      1. Drafting the TAA political platform
      2. TA training around equity issues
  3. No new business

September 10, 2017

PEC meeting
Sunday, September 10, 2017, 6:00–7:30 p.m.
Vintage Spirits & Grill
529 University Ave
Madison, WI 53703

  1. Introductions
    1. Meeting moved to Vintage Spirits & Grill
    2. In attendance: Michael Bellecourt, Erika Carlson, Jess Mullen, Caelyn Randall
    3. Guests: Hugh Roland, Mike Quieto
  2. Priority business
    1. Fall semester meeting times
    2. Confirmation of Fall 2017 PEC slate
  3. Old business
    1. PEC social hour: movie viewing
    2. Ongoing projects
      1. DACA: Immigration, undocumented students, and sanctuary campus
      2. TA training around equity issues
      3. Health care education
      4. UWPD Community Advisory Group
      5. Lobby Day
      6. The PEC website
    3. SCFL delegates
      1. Example minutes from June 19 2017 meeting
      2. SCFL meets every third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. for ~2 hours
    4. Other delegates
      1. AFT-W COPE
    5. On-ice projects
      1. Spring 2018 elections
      2. Drafting the TAA political platform
  4.  New business
    1. Watching the UW System Board of Regents
    2. Future of the Democracy Fund

September 24, 2017

PEC meeting
Sunday, September 24 2017, 6:00–7:30 p.m.
Teaching Assistants’ Association office
520 University Ave, suite 220
Madison, WI 53703

  1. Introductions
  2. Old business
    1. Finances update
    2. PEC social hour film review and PEC vote
      1. Brothers On the Line
      2. The Fight In the Fields
      3. At the River I Stand
      4. Occupied
    3. Ongoing projects
      1. Immigration, undocumented students, sanctuary campus, and Campus Climate Initiatives
      2. Health care education
      3. UWPD Community Advisory Group
      4. Lobby Day
      5. Watching the UW System Board of Regents
    4. Labor solidarity
      1. Our Revolution Wisconsin
      2. SCFL delegares
      3. AFT-W COPE
      4. AFT-HEC
    5. On-ice projects
      1. Spring 2018 elections and Big Ten voting challenge
      2. Drafting the TAA political platform
      3. TA training around equity issues
  3.  New business