Volunteer for the Recall Efforts this Week
Wisconsin is in the mist of a historic effort to recall Republican State Senators who voted to strip us of our collective bargaining rights. There will be primaries for Democratic challengers in six districts next Tuesday, July 12th.
The TAA is hosting a phone-bank to potential voters and volunteers for the upcoming recall elections. There will be a shift today (Thursday) beginning 4:30pm to 9pm at the TAA office located at 254 W Gilman St Madison. For more information, contact Mike Amato at MikeAmato.ForwardWisconsin@gmail.com or Claiborne Hill at claiborneh@taa-madison.org. Feel free to just stop on by for a hour or two to help out tomorrow!
In addition, next Monday, July 11th, join fellow TAA and AFT-Wisconsin members from 7 to 9 PM at the Labor Temple, 1602 S Park St. Madison, to help with the final “Get Out the Vote” push for Tuesdays primaries.
Come Monday for the volunteering at the Labor Temple and stay for socializing with fellow union members afterward. RSVP to Mike Amato at MikeAmato.ForwardWisconsin@gmail.com.