TAA Resolution in support of the Encampment

TAA Resolution in support of the Encampment

Passed May 10th, 2024

Resolution in Support of the UW-Madison Encampment

WHEREAS the TAA stands in solidarity with the Palestinian people, as per our statement written and approved by general membership of the TAA on November 15th, 2023, and supports the demands of the encampment; and

WHEREAS many of our members have been at the encampment day and night, peacefully protesting the genocide in Gaza and demanding that UW Madison disclose and divest; and

WHEREAS on May 1st, 2024 several of our members, alongside other UW Madison students, faculty, and community members were violently arrested by police while engaging in peaceful protest, with people of color being disproportionately targeted with violence and arrest, resulting in physical harm of several faculty members and students; and

WHEREAS an injury to one is an injury to all;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Teaching Assistants’ Association, AFT Local 3220:

  • Condemns all violence against peaceful protestors, especially targeting protestors of color;
  • Demands that the administration addresses the demands of peaceful protestors at the encampment, respects the right of students, faculty, staff, and community members to peacefully protest;
  • Commits to continuing to mobilize our members to support the encampment;
  • Commits to materially supporting those at the encampment through union discretionary funds and through providing access to resources from the TAA office;
  • Commits to providing union representation to any graduate student facing disciplinary action as a result of exercising their right to peacefully protest.