Union Workshops This Week
This past week, we started a new program for the TAA by holding union workshops. At these workshops attendees not only enjoyed the fine fellowship of other grad student workers along with some free pizza and beverages, folks got to learn more about unions, the theory and history behind organized labor, and the TAA – including much more in-depth about who we are and what we do. Dozens of new members of the union turned out this past week for the workshops, and we are continuing them this week.
This week, union workshops will be at 6 PM at the TAA office on Wednesday and Thursday evenings.
The workshops have included – and will include – a combination of presentation of materials from elected leaders and staff from the TAA as well as a lot of free discussion, Q&A, and strategizing from all attendees about the work of our union. These workshops are the building blocks for rank-and-file members of our union for informed and empowered participation in the union – as well as being building blocks for our member-driven union to take action around a coherent agenda and program for grad student workers for this particular year.
So consider yourself invited, whether you’ve been around as a member for a few years or if you’re brand new, whether you’ve been active and involved or if you’ve never seen the inside of the TAA office (by the way, we’re at 254 W. Gilman St, above the American Apparel store).
Again, the workshops this week are on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, starting at 6 PM. If you are going to attend, please RSVP at least by the day of the workshop to our general email account. You can also let us know if you have any questions