Mutual Aid Committee

The TAA Mutual Aid Committee (MAC) is a participatory collective that works to share and distribute food, clothes, diapers, and other resources and skills to the graduate worker community. It is our belief that mutual aid ensures our community’s survival and ability to thrive, and thus reject a top-down, unidirectional charity model of aid. We strive to always operate from anti-racist and disability justice frameworks to include all workers with diverse needs and backgrounds. Since July 2020, MAC, in partnership with the Village Diaper Bank, has operated a diaper distribution program, reaching between 50-70 graduate worker families each month. MAC has also operated a general mutual aid fund that has distributed community funds to directly to graduate students/workers. See below for more information!

Mutual Aid Fund

The TAA operated a Mutual Aid Fund from March 2020 until June 2022, disbursing $66,401 to 504 grads. The fund is currently not operating as the Mutual Aid Committee is using this time to reevaluate the purpose and operations of this fund.

Diaper Distribution Program

Read more about the Mutual Aid Committee’s Diaper Distribution Program and request diapers here!